Drugstore finds….
I decided to head to the drugstore today to pick up some necessities, and found un-necessary things…
Jergens Natural Glow self tanner (odorless) : I wasn’t really in a need of a self tanner but I saw that Jergens has released a new version of their Natural Glow self tanners. An ODORLESS version!! Let’s say that I was convinced that I needed this, but just one “but”…it’s not really “odorless”, just smells WAY less than the original version. It’s tolerable. I owned the original version, which was hyped by many, as a “self tanner that doesn’t smell like a self tanner”…after I would apply it, I smelled like a person that just finished working out and wears self tanner!?! To me, it was a horrible smell…but it did a nice job giving me a nice color during the winter days…hopefully, this “odorless” version lives up to my expectations!

L’Oreal Nail Color in Orange you Jealous? : I saw this, and just gravitated towards this color. It’s a bit of a pastel peachy/corally color. I’ve wanted such a color for a while and I was excited to see it. (in the picture it’s side by side with Essie’s Action)
Sinful Colors Matte Finish top coat : Another nail varnish that was on my wish list. I know that Essie, Butter London, Deborah Lippmann, and Ciaté make a matte top coat nail varnish but at a really high cost. I just can’t dish out 20 dollars for a nail polish that I’ll proablaly use a few times….just not worth it. I love my 1.99 matte top coat!!
NYX lipliner in Soft Brown :I LOVE NYX lipliners. They are so moisturizing and they last all day. I have already 5, just basic colors…just really GOOD lipliners!! Soft Brown is close to my natural slip shade. I needed a liner of this color because the rim of my lips are very patchy and I wanted to start filling in the empty spaces.Not much, but I thought I’d type up a quick post of my latest finds…Will update, if anything goes wrong…
Maybelline Flash Clean Makeup Removing Lotion : Definitely was in a need of a makeup remover, but I wanted something that moisturized at the same time rather than drying. **Will update**
*****UPDATE 3/17/2013: Returned this!! It broke me out into a huge rash and to top things off, it didn’t remove SH*T!!*****

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